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Beaumont Lock&Smith INC IS US . Locksmith - provider of security and locksmith services throughout Beaumont –Port Arthur ,offers a wide range of customized security solutions for private homes and corporations. A licensed and insured company,in Beaumont LOCK&SMITH INC , is available around the clock, professionally safeguarding your environment with state-of-the-art technology.
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(409) 658-9327
Lock&smith INC 2009 Lic TX B19451
6855 marshall pl dr Beaumont TX 77706
Beaumont Safe locksmith service & Sale :
Unlock / change combination install and repair
Wall safes
Wall safes are designed to provide hidden protection for documents and miscellaneous valuables. Adjustable depth allows the maximization of usable space when installed in different wall thicknesses. Some wall safes offer pry resistant recessed door with concealed hinges for anti-theft protection. A painting can be hung over a wall safe to conceal it.
Jewelry safes
Jewelry safes are burglary and fire safes made specifically to house jewelry and valuables. These high end safes are typically manufactured with interior jewelry chests of fine woods and fabric liners with a range of organizational configurations.
Main article: Safe-cracking
Safe cracking is opening a safe without the combination or key. There are many methods to safe cracking ranging from brute force methods to guessing the combination. The easiest method that can be used on many safes is "safe bouncing", which is hitting the safe on top; this may cause the locking pin to move, opening the safe.
Gun Safe
gun safe is a secure and protective storage container for one or more fire arms, and, or ammunition for those guns. Gun safes are primarily used to prevent access to unauthorized or unqualified persons, for burglary protection, and, in more capable safes, to protect the contents from damage during a flood, fire, or natural disaster. Access prevention is required by law in many places, necessitating a gun lock, metal gun cabinet, or gun safe. Gun safes have largely replaced the gun cabinets made of fine stained wood with etched glass fronts used for display that were commonly used decades ago, although some gun safes are made to resemble such gun cabinets.